c) Rewards cause both job satisfaction and performance. 101010 countries for production of apples, oranges, and nuts, The universal set is the set of countries listed in the table. 1) The Strange Situation measures 1) One criticism of parental reports of temperament is that There are no differences in the perception of a happy facial expression across cultures. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. All of the following are suggestions for dealing with guilt except: 1) Twin comparisons reveal that the heritability of attachment is B) self-conscious emotions. \hline \text { 1. Dr. \text{Consumer prices}& \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\ Managing Emotions Flashcards | Quizlet \hline \text { 4. 1) Compared with North American Caucasian infants, Chinese and Japanese babies B) children begin to use language to assist with emotional self-regulation. B) have abnormally low cortisol levels. D) infants come into the world with a repertoire of basic and self-conscious emotions. Which of the following four babies who went to the doctor for the same vaccination will most likely remember it better? A) Dogon The process for managing emotional stress are expressing feelings, taking care of yourself, developing resilience, and keeping things in perspective. These emotions appear in the first six months of the infant's development C. They include emotions like surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust D. C) high-SES When thinking about the run, Jeannine vacillates between pride and sadness. 1) Marisol was placed in a large ward in an orphanage at the age of 8 months. The __________ component of an attitude reflects the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information a person possesses. Answer;Thesis statements do all the following except include feelings and emotions Explanation: Thesis statements do all the following except Include feelings and emotions cos a thesis statement is an author's idea about a topic that can be supported with valid evidence such as facts, expert testimony, research, and valid texts not feelings. Egypt } & \text { 10. C) depressed mothers perceive their babies as less difficult than they really are. Psychology. B) dismissive D) cannot control the intense anger that often arises when an adult rejects their demands. e) personality and objectives. d. depression, 25. Hi this is pastor Ken, thank you for joining me for this week's Monday Marriage Message.Don't Go It Alone Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. D) maternal age; maternal depression. C) Fathers tend to engage in highly arousing physical play with bursts of excitement and surprise that increase as play progresses. B) acts of nature, such as thunder and lightning. d. All of the above are true. According to your text, which of the following statements are true regarding culture and emotion? (True) 2. a. we choose to love the wrong person This excitement shows that Tara is developing a) Rational commitment b. repression What they do recall is discussed intellectually, with little emotion. I thought you were a good girl." - Purchased merchandise on account from Harris Manufacturing, Inc.,$480.00. C) empathy. C) temperament. d) emotional intelligence. b) A manager fires a person who steals from a firm. D) As we grow old; Which of the following statements is true regarding sources of moods and emotions? All of the following are guidelines for facing your fears and anxieties except: b. learning to forgive and forget Using the current year, journalize these transactions of Lambert Hardware on page 10 of the purchases journal. Have patience 4. d) Emotions are likely to last for hours or even days. C) during the second year of life. c) Matt is highly committed to his organization. d) personal predispositions. b.) A) anger and fear increase in frequency and intensity. \hline {\text { Apples }} & {\text { Oranges }} & {\text { Nuts }} \\ \text{Personal wages/salaries}& \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\ b) Emotional commitment D) separation protests decline. D) reciprocal relationship. 51 which of the following statements about emotions - Course Hero 1) The most frequent expression of fear is e) Self-conscious emotions and social emotions come from external sources. D) a functionalist approach. a. C) personality. d. Is the situation modifiable? Italy } & \text { 9. C) effortful control. A) associate photographs of different facial expressions with emotions in the same way. A) people's expressions may not reflect their true feelings. \text{Prime interest rate}& \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\ e) Managers should consider satisfaction and performance to be two completely independent work results. 1) Jorge is slow to accept new experiences, tends to react negatively and intensely, and has irregular daily routines. D) 3 to 6 years. All of the following are characteristics of anger except: b. angry words c) cognitively dissonant b) changing future behavior. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Jermaine as being: Three-month-old Zoey looks up at her mother and smiles. None of these statements about emotions are false. b) teachers. d) job commitment behaviors 1) Which of the following statements is true about attachment? D) Fathers and mothers in Western nations tend to play in similar ways with their children, providing toys and playing gentle conventional games. C) sadness D) 50 to 60, 1) U.S. child-care settings providing the very worst care tend to serve __________ families. a) Job satisfaction Affective Events Theory includes all of the following components EXCEPT: A) during early infancy. D) Rufus, an only child. Answer: Primary emotions are emotions that are present in humans and animals; these emotions appear in the first 6 months of the human infant's development. b) Surface acting is trying to modify your true inner feelings based on display rules. e) employee engagement. The client's brain images show atrophy of cerebral neurons and enlargement of the 3 and 4 ventricles. C) 8 to 10 b. the capacity to identify, interpret, and understand others' emotions 1) Which of the following mothers is more likely to have a child who is better at understanding emotions? Britney is using C) attention-span; irritable-distress Iran9. Russia6. C) moderately D) gender. 63) Which of the following statements is true regarding emotional intelligence (EI)?A) It refers to a score derived from standardized tests to measure intelligence. d. All of the above are true. Ethiopia5. D) cry inconsolably and blame others for his situation. Answer: C. 1) A secure attachment in infancy B) heredity A) positively; collectivist values Most emotions are low intensity events. Emotional labor requirements are especially important in the work of __________. D) attempt to intervene before she becomes agitated in any way. Discuss your reasoning. Emotional intelligence consists of: A state of inconsistency between an individual's attitudes and behavior is known as Emotions are generally classified as positive or negative. C) who have been physically abused D) lower their cortisol levels. Orange: Management - Organizational Behavior Ch. 7 - Blogger France9. The relationship between emotion and cognition is bidirectional. 1) During Bowlby's "attachment-in-the-making" phase, C) a 12-month-old who has just had a toy taken away by a playmate primary emotions . x(t)=1+399e0.4t400. c) insensitive to emotions in foreign cultures C) Women express anger m; Which of the following statements is true regarding emotional intelligence (EI)? B) self-efficacy. 1) Which of the following insecure attachment classifications is as stable as secure attachment? c. feeling powerful and in control A) autonomous/secure Select one: A. 1) In the Strange Situation, Marcus is not distressed when his father leaves. You wonder if your son's fear of birds has become a phobia. As Toshio approaches any situation, he rapidly appraises its personal significance, which prepares him for action. Italy6. Australia } \\ bond; acquire The account at your current bank would pay interest every six months. a. seeing yourself as a victim C) causes improved cognitive, emotional, and social competence in later years. Consider the experiment depicted by the Venn diagram, with the sample space SSS containing five sample points. Bro. D) activity-level; fearful-distress. B) Expose him to fear-inducing situations so he can learn to regulate his anxiety. D) below; fearful distress, 1) Heritability estimates are __________ for expressions of __________ than for __________. 'good spiritedness'): one flourishes by living an ethical life. 1) When responding to a peer's distress, children __________ rarely express concern and frequently display fear, anger, or engage in physical attacks. b) Self-conscious emotions come from external sources. b) resistant to emotions in foreign cultures Guatemala8. This is an example of Turkey5. question Which of the following statements regarding positive emotions is true? B) Caucasian This is an example of: Recent studies find that a disorganized attachment style developed in infancy only when infants had the short version of the serotonin transporter gene5-HTTLPR. c. men are more likely to express feelings of vulnerability 2. Which of the following is helpful when assisting a grieving friend? The late economist Herbert Stein described the accounts that comprise a countrys balance of payments: A country is more likely to have a deficit in its current account the higher its price level, the higher its gross [domestic] product, the higher its interest rates, the lower its barriers to imports, and the more attractive its investment opportunitiesall compared with conditions in other countriesand the higher its exchange rate. C) basic emotions are more complex than self-conscious emotions. Which one of the following statements about emotions is true? a) home effects Which of the following is an example of cognitive dissonance? d) Stealing money C) stand by helplessly and watch classmates participate in activities without him. \text{Money supply}& \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\ C) 18 months A) do not intervene when she is agitated, but rather let her "tough it out" on her own. __________ always have an object or something to trigger them. c. feelings that are experienced. True or false: According to the four-drive theory, the four drives that give rise to emotions and human motivation are independent of one another. June is exhibiting D) late childhood and adolescence, 1) Twin studies reveal that empathy is __________ heritable. Some researchers claim that young babies respond in kind to others' emotions through a built-in, automatic process of TABLE OF CONTENTS. Which of the following statements concerning behavioral expressions of emotion is not true? Brazil } & \text { 1. B) difficult. C) It comprises a person's ability to detect others' and one's own feelings. C) Federal and state subsidies meet the needs for the provision of high-quality child-care in most areas. 20. Which of the following statements about self-conscious emotions is TRUE? c) Positively commenting publicly on the employer b) Performance does not cause job satisfaction. A) constant The combination of high job involvement and organizational commitment creates, what the Gallup Organization has called, __________. C) interactional synchrony. United States } \\ France } & \text { 8. 1) One criticism of home research observations of temperament is that It is most likely that Joey will develop a(n) _____ with his mother. Self-conscious or other-conscious emotions require self-awareness that involves consciousness and a sense of "me." A) from a middle-SES family with strong attachments to several caregivers. d) group feelings based on information external to themselves D) actively seek a close relationship with another baby in the ward. 1) Paternal availability to children is fairly similar across SES and ethnic groups, with one exception: __________ fathers spend more time engaged. Hugo is probably page 155. C) lack of respect for men within the tribe. how to overcome learned helplessness - changing-stories.org Production of a dollar's worth of oil requires inputs of $0.10\$ 0.10$0.10 from each sector. which of the following statements about emotions are true. a) Deep acting is hiding your inner feelings and forgoing emotional expressions as a response to display rules. Which one of the following statements is true about emotions? (True) 4. This reaction is probably a response to a) The fear category may contain alarm and anxiety. a. anger is neither right nor wrong A) Protect him from minor stresses and teach him to retreat from unfamiliar situations. Which of the following statements about research on emotions is true? A) positive-affect; fearful-distress They are emotions that are present in humans and other animals B. C) SES; limited resources a) Matt will work beyond expectations to complete a special project. b. everyone experiences stages of grief c. take risks B) the possibility of war Andy showed secure attachment as an early infant, and now he is in early childhood. B) retained their temperamental styles as they got older. D) resistant; disorganized/disoriented. A) Men are more emotionally expressive than women. a) The argument that satisfaction causes performance suggests that managers should make employees happy in order to increase work performance. O d. Emotions are the first language with which parents and infants communicate. B) tight C) social referencing. B) disorganized/disoriented e) autonomy, relationships with peers, relationships with superiors, feedback, and the work itself, a) the work itself, quality of supervision, relationships with co-workers, promotion opportunities, and pay, The flip side of organizational citizenship are__________. 53. Which of the following is not considered an internal emotion? 1) About _____ percent of women experience mild to severe feelings of sadness, distress, and withdrawal that continue for months or years. b) Performance accomplishment lead to rewards that lead to satisfaction a. e) Managers should consider satisfaction and performance to be two completely independent work results. D) disorganized/disoriented. Variable costs are$24 per unit, and fixed costs are $40,000. D) a self-conscious emotion. Use the following table, which shows the top MGT 341 Cumulative Exam - Flashcards | StudyHippo.com A) rarely form secure attachments to their parents. A) moderate; high Yen know that their young son is aggressive and impulsive. e) Psychological deviance, Silas has been secretly stealing money from his employer for the past year. Based on research, which of the following suggestions would you give the Yoto's? e) Satisfaction causes performance, b) Performance accomplishment lead to rewards that lead to satisfaction. A) fine-motor skills. B) Avoid having disagreements in front of Raj. 1) Jerome Kagan's longitudinal research on several hundred Caucasian infants found that about 40 percent of 4-month-old babies Eventually, the baby takes the rattle, holds it for a few seconds, and then holds it out to her mother and smiles. (a) Conflict arising from personality differences between team members can hurt team performance (b) Highly effective teams do. b0=7.35b1=0.653b2=1.345b3=0.613. c) Emotions are arguably more fleeting than moods. 54. It is a sudden long, initial loud cry followed by breath holding. C) German When the quality of a threatening experience is blown way out of proportion to the actual danger posed and to the point that the anxiety hinders daily functioning, it becomes: 11. C) emotional self-efficacy. after 202020 minutes? Clarissa has reached a stage of cognitive development where Kaylee's self-evaluation is most strongly influenced by her e) spillover behaviors, According to Lawler and Porter, which of these is correct? c. People vary in their moods by time of day.
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