Hobbs, with the help of an author, put all that journaling into a book about the 1993 murders of his stepson Stevie Branch, and Branch's friends Michael Moore and Chris Byers. As he leaned over Michael and removed his clothes, a hair from Terrys head or mustache fell onto Michaels body. Its possible. These two are pretty clear, I think, especially with one coming from his parents. Stevie promises and the boys leave. One woman, in particular, saw the boys inside the woods from her truck when traffic has slowed. He told police that he and his friends often played in the Blue Beacon Woods. The way the three boys were tied, wrist to ankle, as opposed to wrist to wrist, ankle to ankle, is one of the most unique aspects to this case. JMB really did love them even though he had a temper and did admit to corporal punishment. The prosecution would mention a stick and Perreti kept saying, Or a 24. Anyone who has owned a dog, knows how dogs will lick blood clean in a matter of minutes. Maybe because sheknewLG was involved and he told her that Damien did it. I believe the known evidence supports the notion that Terry said yes, but that Stevie went inside to eat dinner first. However, like I said, he makes what I think is a pretty good case for Hobbs' guilt, too. However, I dont think it takes an expert to see that the mark above Stevies eye appears to truly be a bite mark. The first most essential piece of evidence came from Stevie, Michael and Chris other best friend, Aaron Hutchinson. With what we know about Stevie and how much he feared Terry, it seems impossible that Stevie would have been the child who kicked Terry. And the 90s. According to Terrys ex wife, Terry Hobbs first wife had claimed in their divorce papers that he molested their son. According to Buddys confession, the men then drove him back to Lakeshore and dropped him off. thirty minutes to clean up the crime scene before it got dark. Where do you get all this from? Also, he may have searched for the boys in the woods around 5pm when he dropped Pam off at work, also when Terry was unaccounted for. Terry showed up at his good friend Davids house to drop off Amanda so he and David could go buy marijuana. At this time, I was afraid that Terry would rape, harm or even kill me. And someone like that can lie and lie and lie and lie, rigfht to your fuckin' face,because narcissism is about protecting the self-myth. 3:00/4:00pm. Terry Hobbs absolutely killed the boys and the neighbor girl said he had seen them right before the boys died. Furthermore, Terry himself claimed to be in those woods all night, up until the early morning. The suspicious part about this is that in a deposition taken in 2009, Terry Hobbs had the very same allegations implied against him that Billy Stewart made in 2013, four years later, but this time the implications were made by Natalie Maines lawyers. I have a theory about what weapon it could have been. As the men submerged the boys, I believe the two teens took the bicycles to the bayou where they dumped them on the north side of the pipe bridge. UNLESS YOU KNOW NOT GETTING UP THERE AND LOOKING AT IT ALL. At all. Pam Hobbs, with husband, Terry, hopes people will remember the life . I learned from Roy Taylor that Mr. Hobbs was bisexual. HE SAID NO, THERE, YOU KNOW YOU CAN TELL WHEN YOUR CHILD IS LYING AND IT WAS LIKE HE KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP. Not until it was learned that Terry was using Jacoby as an alibi and that a hair that was found at the crime scene turned out to be consistent with Davids DNA. What this means is that the men would have only needed to briefly remove their shoes before entering the water. What purpose would there be to strip the boys naked? The Blue Beacon Woods was connected to the Robin Hood Hills which was the last place the three boys had been spotted on the night of the 5th. What is stranger, and in complete contrast to what was previously said, David also claims that he and Terry were out searching the streets for Stevie before dark. 9pm the night of the 5th so we need to theorize what may have happened because he has no alibi. THAT THE FIVE MAN MAY HAVE CAUGHT THEM? It means its likely that he never went home. According to Pams family, Stevie was terrified of Terry. The 4perp claims that Chris was very quickly held down so Terry could stab and bite him. Sound like way to describe some ritual, smoke signal, face paint stuff. A few pages prior, he writes "Damien and Jason had no indicative violence in their pasts, and while Jessie was known for a hot temper, he channeled his aggression into pursuits such as wrestling." AARON: MICHAEL AND CHRIS SAID NOT TO TELL NOBODY. A boy who is passed out does not need his clothes ripped off as quickly or roughly as one who is awake and struggling. In this letter, a man named Bennie Guy revealed that in 1994, two teens, Buddy Lucas and LG Hollingsworth had confessed to him that they had been involved in the murders with two other men, Terry Hobbs, stepfather to one of the murdered boys and David Jacoby, friend of Terry Hobbs. that was a red flag to me, alright. And, according to Buddys cousins, Rex Heath and Charlotte Bly, not only does Buddy not have an alibi for the night of the 5th, its a possibility he lied to police about what he did that night. According to known evidenceStevie and Michael went to the Byers right around 5:30, which in my opinion was right after they left the Hobbs home. 0. art mollen md age. They both have bias, so I think its important to keep that in mind. Terry Wayne Hobbs was born on May 21st, 1958. The four men see the young boys spying, one man in particular, the stepfather of one child, orders the others to grab them; he flies into a rage and hits the boys, and the attack leads to murder. ~It appears the boys *were* punched.. at least a little bit. These statements have protected Hobbs for seven years. It really wasnt too difficult to do, at least for some of it. Perhaps she felt obligated to lie about Damien in order to get him arrested for a murder she believed he committed. Wouldn't a normal person say "embarrassed", maybe? Chris was only spotted on a skateboard up until 6pm. Its possible that Terry realized these knots could come back to him so he finished tying Michael up with a more traditionally used knot. I allege that LG was confronted by his parents because of some evidence that pointed to his guilt, and when caught, LG told them that Damien had committed the murder and he that had only helped them in some small way. What reasons could there possibly be for not being honest about the night a horrific murder of children took place? . ALRIGHT DID CHRIS AND MICHAEL DID THEY TELL YOU THAT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD GOT CAUGHT. When Stevie was pulled from the water, the left side of his face was terribly mangled. Friday, January 20th 2012. RIDGE: OKAY, WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED TO THEM? RIDGE DO YOU REMEMBER THAT DAY ON THE 5TH, DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID THAT DAY? I personally believe that this boy was Michael Moore. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. West Memphis Three. When you realize that LG and Buddy were most likely above the ditch, handing the boys bodies to the two men, you can begin to see exactly what a difficult task this was if done alone. She described all three of on them on bicycles although they were only on two. They are also one of very few people,who hadfamily memberswho suspected that they were involved and actually contacted police as a result of those suspicions. hilton garden inn oshkosh; was terry hobbs ever found. The West Memphis Three Case: An Evolving Story of Doubt I believe that inhismind, the boys deserved what they got because they shouldnt have been spying. Expelled From Law School, Dad Convicted of Mom & Brothers Murder. (1, 2) According to Jamie and her family, the three boys were playing in her backyard and then flew out onto the sidewalk and headed towards the Hobbs home. I learned about this case 3 years ago. It's pure evil and hate. LG spent the day of the 5th with his aunt, Narlene. It's haunting. WHAT DID IT SMELL LIKE DID IT STINK?AARON: YEAH (YES) IT STUNKRIDGE: WHAT IT SMELL LIKE?AARON: IT SMELLED LIKE, IT SMELLED LIKE A CIGARETTE JUST GETTING LILT BUT IT WAS A DIFFERENT KINDAaron tells police why he believes his friends were killed: RIDGE: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK HAPPENED?AARON: THEY UM, THEY WENT DOWN TO WATCH THOSE MEN AND. And why would Narlene have any need to lie for LG if he was innocent? ADVERTISEMENT If Terry was truly involved in a homosexual act directly before this attack took place, it makes sense why he would carry out an attack of this nature on Chris genitals. According to the ME, Chris did not drown like the others, he died before entering the water. Its also extremely suspicious and coincidental that Dixie Huffords description of the car that dropped off LG would be so eerily similar to the car that Terry actually drove at the time and the car that he would have used to pick Pam up from work. However, knowing that a DNA sample was found on Stevies penis coupled with the knowledge that Chris may have allegedly been bitten on his penis and scrotum as well, I feel the chances are quite high that Stevie, too, may have been bitten in his penis. Steven Branch had lacerations on his penis which were probably self-inflicted indicating a sexualized child, usually associated with sexual abuse. Why else would *Chris* have patterned bruises on his thighs(could be finger marks)? Instead, defense attorneys say, the tests found DNA from Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of one of the murdered boys. Unfortunately, the police had such tunnel vision about the reason why they believe the murders had occurred and who they believed the perpetrators were, that they basically ignored what Aarons statements really revealed; they unwittingly lead Aaron away from helping them find the true killers. That makes sense to me. Terry Hobbs was reported missing from Kinard on April 20, but his family said the last time anyone. The question about Terry having a drug dealer name Ray could also possibly be significant. Even Terry said they usually ate dinner before Pam left for work (2). was terry hobbs ever found. CHRISTY, I WAS TALKING TO A GIRL NAMED CHRISTY AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE THOUGHT THEY HAD FOUND ONE OF THE BODIES. JMB is a freaking nut but I think he loved Michelle so much that when Chris died, she did, too. West Memphis 3 murders Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. WHAT DID IT SMELL LIKE DID IT STINK? Though the family was well-to-do, Terry was having financial problems when the three children were murdered in 1993. What really stands out to me, is that farmers and hunters use this method of tying a hog arm to leg in a method called hobbling. The question is, why?