They consider that the only righteous path lies in the expenditure of their lives for these purposes and will face them with a stoic heart and a single-mindedness that can only lead to the complete annihilation of everything and everyone he faces, often eventually including himself and those that fight beside him. The Imperial Army had been used primarily as a reserve force of garrison troops during the Great Crusade, but its successor would now bear the primary burden of the Imperium's defence. In earlier editions: a bestiary (descriptions of units, characters and vehicles with special rules and background information), alongside an army list (providing options and points costs for units in the bestiary). This can cause them to go insane prior to or during battle and feel the rage that Sanguinius himself felt during the Battle of Terra. For thousands of standard years, across thousands of worlds, they have continued to stalk the enemies of the Imperium as shadows of death, waiting for the perfect moment to deliver the killing blow before melting back into the darkness once more. Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki:How to Create a Homebrew Space Marine As any squad type can be deployed in this manner such tactics rarely dictate a major change in organisation, though the Chapters forges may focus on creating drop pods over other types of vehicle, and as heavy support vehicles are slower to deploy they will focus on infantry assaults over armoured ones. This Founding occurred somewhere between 975-991.M35, exact date is unknown. The Chapter may be several generations separated from its sire, and also have its home world many hundreds or thousands of light years away, the distance contributing to the divergence. Most Chapters have feudal title to an entire planet of the Imperium which serves as its Chapter homeworld or to a large fleet of powerful and massive starships that serves as a mobile headquarters if the Chapter is fleet-based. is the Exorcists Chapter. Space Marine helmets frequently display rank and battle honours, either through colour or insignia. Finally, there are a small number of Chapters whose organisation and methods bears little resemblance to those prescribed in the Codex Astartes. 2nd Edition was released in 1993. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Battle-Brothers that underwent a Hunting the Hunter Trial before being accepted in the ranks of their Chapter's Neophytes are utterly relentless when hunting their foes, and will continue a hunt long after others might give up on ever locating its target. Whatever their state, the Successor Chapters of the Blood Angels are an honour to the pride and glory of their ancestors. Having cabbits (anime creatures) as pets, and the cabbits knowing how to turn into battle barges. Generally reserved, Raven Guards stay in the shadows until the right time to speak. Whilst enthralled by the Darkness, its victims cannot speak or communicate. A Battle-Brother of the Dark Angels Chapter. A Battle-Brother that underwent a Challenge Trial before being accepted in the ranks of the Chapter's Neophytes are often possessed of a highly developed sense of their own superiority. Though established GW canon has confirmed that there are such possible Successors, such as the Death Eagles Chapter, which might be the remnant of the Emperor's Children 34th Millennial, that remained loyal to the Emperor, and fought their own traitorous kin during the Horus Heresy. Credit: Tyler "Coda" Moore The extremely cool and good take is to make up your own chapter from scratch. However, over time they have lost the use of two of the special organs produced by the basic Astartes genetic template: the Betcher's Gland, which allows a Space Marine to produce poisonous/acidic spittle, and the Sus-an Membrane, which allows an Astartes to enter a state of suspended animation. Oftentimes the finished scrimshaws are worn as jewelry and ornamentation, particularly by the Chapter's officers. Mia Pallas Blog: Gav Thorpe Live! Warhammer 40k. The following rules are in effect, when writing about your Space Marine Chapter's Founding: There are only two known Chapters that were Founded at this time -- the Mentors and the Storm Giants. Some Chapters use symbols drawn from ancient heraldry, the elements or even arcane sources such as alchemy. When the Dark Angels do undertake joint operations alongside other Chapters, it is quite common for them to do so with others amongst the so-called "Unforgiven" -- the Successors of the original Dark Angels Legion. The Space Wolves are hungry for battle, yet sometimes overextend themselves and bite off more than they can chew. Upon discovering a singularly valuable recruiting source, some Fleet-based Chapters may even abandon their itinerant existence, claim the world and establish a Fortress-Monastery. These will give you an understanding about what you can, and cannot, write about when creating a Fanon Space Marine Chapter. As the I Legion of the Space Marine Legions, the Dark Angels' gene-seed is one of the purest and least degraded of all. A force consisting of both types is capable of delivering an entire battle company directly into the heart of an enemy position, a force which very few foes have any chance of countering. Some results may at first appear to contradict one another, while others match up unerringly. Jungle Worlds are often perilous environments, where the slightest scratch can result in lethal bacteriological infection and predatory life forms hunt the unwary. The advantage of direct rule is that the Chapter can enforce every element of its will upon its subjects, shaping their development the better to produce promising Aspirants. Codices follow the same edition publication history as the . Black Templars are filled with a righteous power and hatred for the witch and heretic, even beyond that of other Chapters. He faces creatures dredged up from his own nightmares and phantoms seeded in his mind by the Librarian, who presides over the Trial and judges the Aspirant's very soul. They cannot feed themselves or take water and seem feverishly insensible to everything happening about them. 56 Homebrew Chapters ideas | space marine art, warhammer 40k artwork During that time, each Legion of Space Marines tried to outdo its brothers in bringing glory to the fledgling Imperium. He disappeared during the massacre, and his body was never found or recovered. If he is a native of such a hellish place, the Aspirant will have some knowledge of how to survive, yet is shorn of all aid and divested of all but the most basic of survival equipment. Other Chapters use Thunderhawks to deliver Assault Squads to the front line, the jump-pack equipped warriors leaping from the troop bays at a great height and descending directly on to the foe with chain swords howling and bolt pistols blazing. During the height of the invasion, the Thousand Sons breached the Space Wolves formidable fortress-monastery, known as the Fang, and Magnus the Red personally destroyed the Space Wolves' gene-laboratories within. Below is a list of some of the most common deeds of legend accomplished by your Chapter's most venerated heroes: The Imperium utilises a a classification system that determines the types of allegiance that is shown by each individual Chapter. The Flaw of the Blood Angels has also been attributed to a combination of the genetic defects in the Legion's Omophagea gene-seed organ implant, and the psychic disturbance created during the final seconds of Sanguinius' life. With literally thousands of custom Chapter that exist online at any given time throughout the realm of the internet, many readers will notice common story lines and clichs that tend to permeate many fan-made Space Marine Chapters. Codex: Drop Troops | Tabletop Campaign Repository Whilst company colours are typically displayed on the trim of a Space Marines shoulder pauldrons, they can also be displayed on helmets, chest Aquilas, knee plates or even on the squad markings. Indeed, there have been a number of occasions where the Dark Angels or one of the Unforgiven have withdrawn suddenly and with no explanation from a warzone when confronted by an Inquisitor or Missionary. Provided below are some example heraldic symbols: Space Marine Chapters employ a wide range of colours and patterns of their uniforms, and wear them with pride. Such punitive wars are normally intended to be sharp and short, and to bring about a specific set of strategic circumstances. The Space Wolves' dream of emulating the Ultramarines, Imperial Fists and the other First Founding Chapters in the creation of a legion of Successors seemed close at hand. Most Chapters that adhere to this particular form of belief worship one of their founding fathers, often the very first Chapter Master but sometimes another figure who performed some deed that sealed his place in the Chapter's history for all time. To pique one's interest, when writing about your own potential rivalry for your Space Marine Chapter, listed below are some sample feuds and rivalries. Such Trials carried out in an icy waste could involve the Aspirant travelling from one point to another, with countless hundreds of kilometres of trackless snow-blasted plains separating the two. Campaign & Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Sororitas, Campaign & Astra Cartographica, Orks Rules, Dark Angels, Grey Knights & Thousand Sons, Adepta Sororitas, Necrons & Index: Inquisition. Below are some possible reasons that you can use to explain why your Space Marine Chapter was Founded: The First Founding of the Space Marine Legions, also originally called the Legiones Astartes, occurred in the late 30th Millennium after the end of the Age of Strife and the Unification Wars that founded the Imperium of Man on Terra. These might be warriors seconded from another Chapter, perhaps even a First Founding Progenitor, or they might be the first true sons of the Chapter itself. What caused such worlds to fall so far from glory is often a matter of supreme mystery, and often a cause for concern to the higher echelons of the Imperium's leadership. Some Chapters deviate in character as much as organisation and tactics, such as the savage yet gregarious Space Wolves, while others break some fundamental principle of the Codex, such as the Black Templars, whose total numbers are thought to greatly exceed the 1,000 stipulated by Guiliman. The Ultramarines Chapter is at once the exemplar of everything a Space Marine aspires to, and the template by which he acts, fights and worships. The solution to the affliction of the Darkness is to create a spiritual darkness of his own within the stasis sarcophagus. Because of this, a Blood Ravens BattleBrother is more characterised by the nature of his Chapter and its doctrines than the line from which he is descended. On some of these worlds, the Space Marine Chapter forms the very highest tier of a stratified and regimented society entirely focused on martial pursuits, where all aspire to the example set by the Adeptus Astartes. Others set aside their rivalry and work together until the end. The concept of a battlezone codex was replaced by Games Workshop's Expansions. Games Workshop PLC - Welcome! It is a long and sometimes fatal process that must be done in the correct order. The community agrees that all homebrew Chapters must abide by the following: A massive hive spire rises into the Hive World's atmosphere. Your Chapter CANNOT be allies of the mysterious Legion of the Damned, as they are a separate entity whose purpose and deployment are unknown to the wider Imperium, and who deploy in accordance to the Emperor's will. It may even be the case that a local expression of the Imperial Cult has been declared heretical, and its adherents must be hunted down and punished. As far as can be ascertained, he has successfully overcome most of the genetic flaws found without the various gene-seed, without sacrificing the unique gifts and traits of each genetic bloodline. At the launch of 8th edition all previous codices were replaced with index books due to a major rules overhaul (as of November 2019 these indexes are no longer produced). The XIII Legion, the Ultramarines, led by Roboute Guilliman, became the largest of all the Astartes Legions as a result of Guilliman's tactical mastery and a steady flow of new recruits from the Realm of Ultramar. The Black Templars use similar methods but eschew the use of drugs or technology, instead requiring an Aspirant to fast or pray for days on end until a similar effect is achieved. While the Salamanders have no known Successor Chapters, there a few that are highly suspected (though unacknowledged). Before begin your undertaking, there are two primary rules that you always want to adhere to when creating your own Space Marine Chapter: The Ultramarines Chapter, gathered for war. When extremes of stress and trauma stretch even the prodigious mental and spiritual strength of a Space Marine, those qualities that make him a glorious exemplar of Humanity may turn him into the very opposite. It is usual for the Aspirant to be armed and the Astartes to fight with his bare hands and probably without his Power Armour, yet still the Aspirant has virtually no hope of victory. While Rogal Dorn was lost to the Imperium in the years following the Horus Heresy, his legacy remains amongst the strongest of all of the Primarchs', and thus, next to the valiant Ultramarines, possess some of the most Successor Chapters to carry on Dorn's legacy of courage, valour and supreme sacrifice. It is only those Civilised Worlds that maintain the most rigid military traditions that are likely to appeal to the Adeptus Astartes as s source for Aspirants. I Made A Homebrew "Codex: Dark Mechanicum" I Thought You - reddit No homebrew Chapter shall have a personal army of standard-human warriors except in the case their home world possesses a Planetary Defence Force (PDF). However, claiming your Chapter was the pivotal force in a well documented campaign is not a good idea. When creating a Space Marine Chapter, be sure to utilise the Space Marine Chapter Infobox in order to keep your article uniform with other Space Marine Chapter pages. The most experienced and long-serving Imperial Fists sport numerous duelling scars all over their bodies, each a reminder of a hard-won victory, or a salutary defeat. As an Iron Hands Space Marine matures, that hatred and fear grows ever stronger, resulting in more extreme mechanisations of the Astartes' body. Some planetary assaults are undertaken by small, elite formations such as Space Marines, striking at the very heart of the enemy. What is the predominant terrain type of the Chapters A stalwart battle-brother of the Imperial Fists Chapter. Codex: Space Marines | Games Workshop Webstore (See 25th Founding). Those who fail may be lucky to even survive, for many trials take the form of ritual combat, the hunting of a great beast, or the performance of incredibly dangerous feats of strength and bravery. If the Death Eagles are indeed descended from the Emperor's Children, it would explain why their true origins have been purposely obfuscated. Others regard it as their duty to dispatch strike forces to every corner of the Imperium. Perhaps the single most important consideration in creating your own Chapter is the source of its gene-stock, and how "pure" the Chapter's inheritance is. The only exception to this rule, is when a Chapter is forced to make such an alliance, it shall only be with Craftworld Eldar or the Tau Empire. A Warhammer 40K space shooter flight sim game. Airless worlds are simple barren lumps of rock and ice, and it is rare indeed for them to support life. Not long-term alliances are allowed, as Eldar are notoriously fickle and opportunistic, and will turn on their allies should an opportunity present itself. To feel what Dorn felt. Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki | Fandom Although harsh, Humanity can afford no less in the battle for its very survival. Codex - Spyrer Hunting Party | Warhammer 40.000 (Homebrew Codex) They still chant Catechisms of Hate as they go into battle, and they will still kill anyone or anything that opposes the will of the Emperor. They originally served as the Imperium's XVIIIth Space Marine Legion during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. Dead worlds are those that millennia ago harboured signs of life, but which have long since become lifeless, arid rocks. These arrangements can be summarised as direct rule, stewardship and distant rule, as detailed below. The lightning strike is often precluded by a stealthily inserted scout mission, the Neophytes led by grizzled scout sergeants who themselves the veterans of a hundred missions. Communities living in the midst of a death world jungle, for example, rely on total and constant cooperation just to go on existing another day and none are ever out of the sight of another. Battle-Brothers from such a Chapter are generally more intellectually flexible those from a strict Codex tradition, but may not be able to inspire the same confidence that a close adherent might. Potential Aspirants fight a Blood Duel to the death. Mar 12, 2021 - Explore Christopher McBride's board "Homebrew Chapters" on Pinterest. The simplest and most common names feature an attributive adjective, followed by the noun (such as "Dark Angels" or "Crimson Fists"). Terminator Armour, Variants and Sub-Patterns. Just because there is a GW chapter that has something, doesn't mean it's a good thing to do for your chapter 'just because'. They are unmoved by the challenge of crossing mountains, wading through sucking swamps, plunging into snow storms and many other such environmental hazards. After several years of total war, it is possible that the belligerents have forgotten the initial cause of hostilities. The Ultramarines are by far the best known and most celebrated Adeptus Astartes Chapter in the long and bloody history of the Imperium of Man. The two tables presented below provides some ideas for the various elements of the name should you need some inspiration. Most Chapter names have two such elements, broadly speaking an adjective and a noun, but a huge scope for variation exists. At their heart they are still a part of their parent Chapter. Years of fighting against particular foes might hone an especially effective form to perfection, or the specialisation might be the result of the Chapter's essential character and the nature of its gene-seed. When inventing the name for your new Chapter, the best source is the character of the Chapter itself. Following the successful eradication of the massive greenskin invasion force and the defeat of its Warlord, the Lord Commander of the Imperium Maximus Thane, decreed that the Imperium would raise as many new Chapters as they had gene-seed in the great vaults of Terra to sustain. With resources focused on key strategic worlds, there is no reason to spare the effort to "civilise" the natives of the numerous Feral worlds. Below are a few examples of some non-Codex oriented Chapters variant company colours. Though no Successors have ever been officially confirmed, there is no practical reason why one could not create their own Salamanders Successor Chapter of their own. Veteran Sergeants typically wear both colours, incorporating a white stripe down the centre of their helm. The suspect gene-seed of the Traitor Legions was placed under a time-locked stasis seal, although at the time, many believed these dangerous stocks of tainted genetic material had been destroyed. Others make a point of seeking out new societies to recruit from, ever vigilant for promising recruits. The Battle-Brothers of the Space Wolves are ferocious and aggressive warriors. Ryan Hilton. The industrial might of the Imperium's Forge worlds and Hive worlds makes it possible for entire armies to be equipped with the mightiest of armoured war machines. Through the machinations of the Unforgiven's Inner Circle, its members are eternally vigilant, never resting in the hunt for the Fallen -- those Renegade Space Marines who followed the First Legion's second-in-command, Luther, into damnation when they split off from the Dark Angels Space Marine Legion ten-thousand Terran years ago in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. 'Codex' is now a term solely used for army books. A combination of low temperature and high amounts of liquid has swathed the world in ice. Grim Dark Narrator Bolter & Chainsword Forum. Many people tend to base their Fanon Space Marine Chapter on a real-life culture they are interested in. The Dark Angels are also notoriously intolerant of non-humans and will often refuse to fight alongside armies that include abhuman warriors or alien races. This is both disappointing and extremely lazy. Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki | Fandom Home The web's #1 page for unofficial Warhammer 40,000 fanfiction! $30.00 (5 new offers) Ages: 8 years and up. The last remaining relic of Rogal Dorn, his skeletal hand, is displayed in their fortress-monastery on the Phalanx as a reminder of the ultimate dedication their duty and the Emperor require of the Space Marines. It is rare for such conflicts to involve the Imperial Guard or other military organisations, for the belligerents would not wish to draw the attentions of the Adeptus Terra, While most Chapters avoid establishing their Fortress-Monasteries too close to an extant, functioning urban sprawl, several have made their home amongst the ruins of fallen cities, and become peerless experts in every aspect of warfare in such an environment. Those favouring such a doctrine might be further divided into those who prefer the close-in use of massed bolters and assault weapons, and those who specialize in longer-ranged heavy weapons. The main background support for this case is the quote above. Technologically, most of the inhabitants are ignorant of advanced machinery, but may utilise basic firearms manufactured locally. In the 41st Millennium, almost anything is possible! While all Space Marines have hatred of the enemies of Mankind, especially those which lurk among the stars preying on the worlds of the Imperium, the Novamarines have fostered a deep revulsion for xenos beyond even that of most of their kind. This is certainly the case with the Salamanders Chapter, who favour flame-effect weapons in imitation of their namesake. Planets once blessed by verdant forests are reduced to ashes, enemies clashing amidst the skeletal remains of the trees. Some Dead Worlds serve as Space Marine home worlds, either due to their strategic location, relative isolation or because the Chapter is tasked with guarding against the return of the ancient threat that brought about the world's fate in the first place. As far as the Imperium at large is concerned, these 'bush wars' are insignificant to the larger strategic situation, unless of course they interfere with the rendering of tithes or the raising of new Imperial Guard regiments. The Codex Astartes teaches a balanced approach to war, and so any Chapter sired by the Ultramarines or their line is unlikely to pursue one form of combat doctrine at the expense of others, but there are a thousand Chapters and more, and no two are identical. Having determined which First Founding Legion provided the basis of the new Chapter's gene-stock, then one has to determine the gene-stock's purity. Our Discord community is three years old, and . When possible, many Space Marine assaults are precluded by a bombardment staged by strike vessels or battle barges in orbit over an enemy position, softening up the resistance and hampering the foe' swill and ability to fight. This rarely manifests itself as outright insubordination, but it can occasionally cause tension. For examples Chapters such as the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves and White Scars utilise different organisational structures, idiosyncratic terminology, specialised ranks, as well as maintaining long-ingrained traditions of their own individual cultures. Those Chapters who are descended from the gene-seed of Sanguinius, suffer from the twin genetic flaws known as the Black Rage and the Red Thirst. The most fortunate and well husbanded of Chapters may be able to field the requisite ten companies, but invariably each will be at least a handful under strength. Such Chapters may still deviate from the Codex in matters that do not relate directly to tactics and unit organisation. Known as The Flaw, these genetic curses known separately as the Red Thirst and the Black Rage. They vastly allow fanon chapters to play a supporting role, perhaps turning up to mop up survivors. The Black Templars, for example, excel at close combat at the expense of long-range capacity. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k. Beastman - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum Remember, a good balance of real-world cultures placed in the 41st Millennium can prove quite rewarding if one takes the time to make a simple modification to a name. Space Marines are foremost amongst the defenders of humanity, the greatest of the Emperor of Mankind's warriors. This comes with the added danger that much of the sort of lore the Blood Ravens seek is dangerous in and of itself, either as proscribed texts or things touched and tainted by the Warp. They are driven by the need to atone for the sin of being mutants by fighting for the . Some writers might prefer a more subtle approach (Example: Space Wolves, not Space Vikings, though the overall theme is quite obvious). The Salamanders as a Chapter are unusually concerned with civilian casualties compared to most other Space Marines and believe that one of their most important duties is to protect the lives of the Emperor of Mankind's innocent subjects whenever and wherever possible.