Indian Wars is the name generally used in the United States to describe a series of conflicts between the colonial or federal government and the Native people of North America. The medal is circular, struck in silver, and measures 36 millimeters in diameter. The first is the '5 More informationis available on the The Gazette indexes available at The National Archives can help to establish a date. Guarded and carried the wounded, brought water for the same, and posted and directed the men in his charge under galling fire from the enemy. George Medal (GM) They are: For policy files on medals, see series ADM 1 code 85, ADM 116 code 85, AIR 1, AIR 2, HO 45 code 30, MT 9 code 6, T 300 and T 333 and WO 32 code 50. Diving Superintendent on the Piper Alpha Oil Platform for leading 19 men to safety after the North Sea structure exploded. While in command of 5 men and carrying dispatches, was attacked by 125 Indians, whom, he with his command fought throughout the day, he being severely wounded. "The first 10 metres we were just laughing our heads off at each other saying 'this is horrendous'," he said. As a result of their efforts both officers received treatment for first degree burns and smoke inhalation. While detailed as mail courier from the fort, voluntarily went to the assistance of a party of 4 enlisted men, who were attacked by about 50 Indians at some distance from the fort and remained with them until the party was relieved. This caused the subject to stumble and fall to the ground, where the armed officers pursuing on foot were able to detain him. Firefighters Quarmby and Burgess were already at the waterside and witnessed her become trapped in the water. Bravery in rescuing Lt. King, 5th U.S. Cavalry, from Indians. Search our catalogue with key words such as awards or decorations. Most distinguished gallantry in action with hostile Indians. With 5 other men he waded in mud and water up the creek to a position directly behind an entrenched Cheyenne position, who were using natural bank pits to good advantage against the main column. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google
wikipedia.en/ PC Randall asked the public to move away from the front in order to protect them from danger as he recognised that the rubble was unsafe and that he wasnt sure if there would be a secondary explosion. Voluntarily left fortified shelter and under heavy fire at close range made the rounds of the pits to instruct the guards, fought his way to the creek and back to bring water to the wounded. Conspicuous and extraordinary bravery in attacking mutinous scouts. Citations were included for awards of gallantry and meritorious service. On Tuesday 26 February 2019, Cumbria Fire and Rescue from Appleby were called to a water rescue incident in the River Eden. Members of the public were already in the vicinity and PS Hooper urgently directed them back to ensure their safety. Finding that the Indians were making for a position from which they could direct their fire on the retreating troop, the Lieutenant held his point with his party until the soldiers reached the safety of a canyon. The officers ran towards the scene without thought for their own safety. When the firefighters arrived at the scene, she was on the bridge outside of the public barriers, a fall of approximately 60 feet into cold, fast-flowing water with strong currents. Gallantry Decorations are made by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Minister for Defence. Led a charge under a galling fire, in which he inflicted great loss upon the enemy. Fought and defeated 4 hostile Apaches located between him and his comrades. The names of military personnel from all three services are included in the latest operational honours list, published in the London Gazette. Immediately after take off, the plane suffered engine failure, which resulted in the plane hitting a tree and inverting before crashing to the ground and catching fire. This surprise attack from the enemy rear broke their resistance, Discharged his duties while in charge of the skirmish line under fire with judgment and great coolness and brought up the lead horses at a critical moment.
London Bridge terror attack heroes on Civilian Gallantry List One man stabbed the flats owner repeatedly. Mex., while commanding the right of a detachment of 19 men, on 12 August 1881, he stubbornly held his ground in an extremely exposed position and gallantly forced back a much superior number of the enemy, preventing them from surrounding the command. Twenty-five-year-old Capt Owen Davis, from Swansea, a marine who spent a year learning Pashto so he could accompany the Afghan Local Police (ALP) as they took over from international troops in Afghanistan Helmand province, was also honoured for his service. While carrying dispatches was attacked by 125 hostile Indians, whom he and his comrades fought throughout the day. He then approached her and grabbed her by the neck, threatening to stab her, but then fled the flat. The Queen's Gallantry Medal (or QGM) is a United Kingdom decoration awarded for exemplary acts of bravery by civilians, and by members of the Armed Forces "not in the face of the enemy", where the services were not so outstanding as to merit the George Cross or the George Medal. The Royal Warrant for the Queen's Gallantry Medal was amended on 30 November 1977 to allow for posthumous awards, as was that for the George Medal. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) Police colleagues were negotiating with the woman in an attempt to talk her down from the bridge. conjunction with Queen's Regulations and DINs. Edward Medal (EM) . and Carrizo Canyon, New Mexico Territory. Among 40 QGMs to Australians, gazetted after the creation of Australian Honours System but before 5 October 1992, when any future awards to Australians are treated by Australia as foreign awards. It was instituted on 20 June 1974 to replace the Order of the British Empire for Gallantry, the British Empire Medal for Gallantry, and the Colonial Police Medal for Gallantry. See the colonial gazettes for the colonies of West Africa. The King's Gallantry Medal (KGM)[2] is a United Kingdom decoration awarded for exemplary acts of bravery where the services were not so outstanding as to merit the George Medal, but above the level required for the King's Commendation for Bravery. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Materials: The majority of the British medals and clasps are made of solid silver, though some were issue in bronze versions, mainly to Indian non-combatants. Gallantry Decorations are awarded for heroic courage in action. Name Rank Unit Gazetted Conflict; Mills, Wayne: Corporal: Duke of Wellington's Regiment: 9 May 1995: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Humphreys, Peter: Colour Sergeant: Royal Welsh Fusiliers: 9 May 1996: "Gallantry in action." These awards tend to be announced in the London Gazetteunder the heading Foreign Orders. Read about our approach to external linking. After 1957, when the medal was awarded for gallantry, a silver oak leaf emblem was worn on the ribbon to signify that the award was for gallantry and not for service. Most distinguished gallantry in action with hostile Apaches led by Geronimo and Natchez. Medals issued before 1939 can no longer be replaced. [7] During the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, between June 1974 and September 2022, there were 1,094 awards announced in The London Gazette , including 19 second award bars. The MAST team deployed in support of an unarmed surveillance team, which followed the subjects to an industrial unit. The online records can be searched by name of recipient. Rescued, with the voluntary assistance of 2 soldiers, the wounded from under a heavy fire. These were first made of silk but cotton was increasingly used as the nineteenth century developed. Eligibility and criteria. The records of gallantry medals and awards, 4. The Queen's Police Medal for Gallantry was discontinued as a posthumous award in 1977, when the Royal Warrant which had instituted the George Medal was amended to allow the George Medal to be awarded posthumously. Foreign awards to Britons and British awards to foreign servicemen and women (from 1854), 5. If awarded to members of the Armed Forces, service number, rank, and unit are also included. Capt Davis was blown off his feet by a grenade in a raid on a Taliban stronghold on June 13 last year, just seconds after an Afghan colleague was shot next to him. PC Shaun Randall was on mobile duty with colleagues and passing the location when the massive blast occurred. Privacy Policy and
Orders for gallantry medals (especially in the 19th century) may be accompanied by details of recipients and of the action that led to the award.
With the crew briefed, Crew Manager Wharton and another firefighter entered the water, supported by the rest of the crew from the river bank. Queen's Gallantry Medal Michael Hooper and Stephen Quartermain, Leicestershire Police, for attempting to rescue those who were involved in a helicopter crash at the King Power Stadium,. The ANA soldier had been shot in the leg, clipping his artery, and was trapped with gunfire all around him. Carried dispatches to Gen. Crook at imminent risk of his life. Distinguished himself for coolness, bravery and marksmanship while his troop was in pursuit of hostile Apache Indians. Queen's Gallantry Medal Michael Rose (British Army officer) S Rupert Smith Vincent Strafford Michael Swindells T Dominic Troulan Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Defended his position (with 3 others) against a party of 17 hostile Indians under heavy fire at close quarters, the entire party except himself being severely wounded, Erected breastworks under fire; also kept the command supplied with water 3 consecutive nights while exposed to fire from ambushed Indians at close range, With 5 other men he waded in mud and water up the creek to a position directly behind an entrenched Cheyenne position, who were using natural bank pits to good advantage against the main column. Bravery in action; was wounded in both arms. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Led his command in a successful charge against superior numbers of the enemy strongly posted. Led a party through withering fire and recovered an abandoned howitzer and 2 Gatling guns lying between the lines a few yards from the Indians. He and 2 companions covered the withdrawal of wounded comrades from the fire of an Apache band well concealed among rocks.
Medals: campaigns, descriptions and eligibility - GOV.UK As the MAST team moved to effect the arrests, they activated public warning equipment and immediately both subjects started to run away from officers.