I need an advocate with God, and therefore I turn to you, the Mother of God. The effects of the presence of Jesus and you are still the same. Help me to use the graces God gives me for my sanctification. He also willed that (2) everywhere the offering of Himself should be presented to the Father through your hands. The God of holiness, having come upon the earth to take away the sins of the world, chose to appear among us as a sinner. Have pity on the sinners of the world. Your womb was so pure, so immaculate that it became the Holy of Holies, in which Jesus Christ our Lord, the Eternal High Priest, alone found entrance. Everyday you renew your Gift generously, because to each Sacrifice of your Son, you give your consent, each Consecration is your gift to us. He found joy in God, His Heavenly Father, and in the Holy Spirit, joy in all the wonderful perfections of God. He wished to adapt Himself to our nature by giving us life and aid through the heart of a mother, having placed in your heart some of His own love for mankind to make you the spiritual Mother of the redeemed. I have carried my cross patiently which He gave me to carry. December 12, 2021: "Our Lady of Guadalupe came to be the Mother of the Americas, to announce the new birth of Jesus Christ among the peoples and nations of the New World. As you led an interior life and centered all your thoughts and life upon the Word Incarnate in your womb, so help me to lead an interior, supernatural life, always guided and directed by supernatural principles, having always supernatural intentions and performing supernatural actions. I wish to attend Holy Mass, receive Holy Communion, and visit Jesus in the tabernacle in union with you, in the spirit in which you yourself did so. Mary, Mother of God, your apparition at Guadalupe teaches me that devotion to you is a source of great graces. Being filled with light from Heaven, you have shed brightness upon the whole world, by giving birth to the Eternal Light, Our Lord Jesus Christ, although still remaining in the glory of your virginity. I shall realize that God, in His infinite wisdom will make all things work together unto my good. Mary, My Mother, your Son Jesus came to enlighten the world with His teaching and example. In your humility, you looked upon yourself as His lowly handmaid. As a slave of love, I willingly deliver myself to the everlasting service of so wonderful and majestic a Lady. He made His taking of the role of Mediator dependent on your consent, and it was your motherly care, shown toward Him through life, which made Him ready for the sacrifice that reconciled the world to God. Tell me how to embrace whatever is best that I may attain the great purpose of my lifeheaven and the possession of Godand how to reject whatever is opposed to it or likely to make this attainment difficult. He took to Himself our human flesh and became man in order that He might give Himself up for us to the death of the cross. Your blessedness was due to your unexcelled sanctity. You were united with Him as closely as a Mother is united with her child, and your thoughts and desires were those of your Divine Son. I already know of your great love for me for the sake of your Son who entrusted the care of my soul to you. Bless our prayers and labors for the conversion of the world and support them by your powerful intercession with your Son, Jesus, that His Kingdom of Truth and Life, Holiness and Grace Justice. Because of your dignity, you reach to the borders of the divine. Once more He renewed His offering at the Presentation in the Temple. 11, 29). 2. When God pronounced doom against the evil one, He also announced His merciful plan of saving mankind from the effects of the guilt of our first parents. The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated in parishes and neighborhoods throughout the country with Masses and dancing and celebration, . You received from the Adorable Trinity the crown and sceptre, which made you Queen of all the angels and saints and the all-powerful Mediatrix between God and men. Grant that we all may heed your warning, for only through penance and reparation can we blot out sin and the insult it afflicts on God. So, as daughter of Adam you submitted to the sentence passed in the garden of Eden. He is for us the source of all grace, the cause of our supernatural life. When Jesus said, "Woman, behold thy sonBehold thy Mother," He gave you to me to be my Mother for all Christians form one body with Christ, and Saint John represented them all beneath the cross. Realizing that your consent had been made a necessary condition for the accomplishment of the great mystery of the Incarnation, you made the supreme act of obedience and faith when you said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word." How well your name gives expression to your position and your mission in lifeyour divine Motherhood In virtue of this privilege, you reflect as a spotless mirror the eternal Light of the Word, which is first poured into you and illuminates you. Help me to sacrifice myself generously for the love of Godto abstain from those many hurtful things that prevent the union of my soul with God. Pray to Him for us, your children, that in our exile we may resemble you, His most devoted follower, and at last may glorify Him in union with you forever. I want to take devotion to you seriously. You were not to raise up children unto Godnot ordinary offspring, but a Child, the Son of God! Through Joseph your descent from David would be known. Give my heart sentiments like His and your own so that, through frequent Holy Communion and prayer, I may become a worthy co-victim with Jesus, holy and pleasing to God, and so that all the actions, sufferings, tears and disappointments of my life may be thus consecrated to God as a sacrifice for His glory and the salvation of souls, especially my own. When God decreed the incarnation of the Word, His very own Son, through you alone, you had a place in the same plan as Jesus. The more you beheld yourself enriched, the more humble did you become, remembering that all came to you from the infinite generosity of your Maker. Decorate your table with colorful flowers . You confidently accepted whatever God willed. Your Child, becoming the King of Martyrs, would make you their Queen. Through your prayers all graces have come to the apostle and to the souls converted or sanctified. 55. . St. Brigid of Kildare Feast Day - Our Lady of Compassion | Facebook Teach me to imitate your humility by acknowledging my nothingness and seeking the glory of God in everything. They beheld the dwelling place prepared for the Son of God. Teach parents to care for their children as God's sacred trust, to guard them from sin and to lead them in the way of virtue. God could not have created a more beautiful throne for Himself than you; His Mother! As Mother of God, you became a cooperator in the Redemption of mankind. Since you have had such an intimate share in my redemption, I entrust my soul to your loving care. How consistent with the infinite tenderness of God that His Christ, the Immortal Child, should be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the body of a young virgin and that a virgin should bear a Child to redeem the world. 2. You learned to read the sacred books by yourself and tried to penetrate their hidden meaning. Your dignity as Mother of God is so lofty that nothing created can rank above it. How often I do not know where to turn. If to live of the Eucharist and by the Eucharist was the very special spirit of the early Church"And they continued steadfastly in the communion of the breaking of the bread" (Acts 2, 42)it must have been the summary of your last years on earth. In you, and of your substance, was this day formed His adorable Body. You are the spotless tabernacle, the earthly resting-place prepared for the Son of God, hence the Church pays loving respect to your Immaculate Heart. You thought only of praising Him as your greatest Benefactor when you exclaimed, "My soul praises the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my SaviorFor He who is mighty has done great things for me." How delightful a sight must your beautiful soul have been to heaven! The Communion was your life of union with Jesus in the Eucharist after His Ascension. God inflamed no other heart, after that of the Heart of His Son, with His love so much as yours. You are a human creature, but free from even the slightest sin or guilt, and absolutely pure by reason of the singular excellence of your nature. God has created nature and all the wondrous functions of the human body. At the mention of it, the angels rejoice and the devils tremble; through the invocation of your name, sinners obtain grace and pardon. Mary, My Mother, may the example of your sinlessness urge us to that innocence and purity of life which flees from and abhors even the slightest stain of sin. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mother of Perpetual Help because of the graces you have at your disposal. 8, 35). God enriched your soul with such a love above all other creatures that in you alone He found His fullest delights. He works in my soul by His grace. What untold merit you must have laid up for eternity during the nine months that preceded your Nativity. Your Immaculate Conception, purchased by the Precious Blood of the Son of God Himself and freely bestowed upon you as the highest gift of God, is the most wonderful work of sanctification that the world has ever seen. If I put my trust in you, I shall be saved. The Prophet tells us that God is "wonderful in His saints" (Ps. Happy Feast Day Our Lady of Perpetual Help Feast day: June 27 Patroness You are all-powerful because your divine Son instantly fulfills all your desires in order to honor you. Through your prayers and the prayers of your holy parents may I learn to know and love you more and ever remain your faithful child. Everything which Jesus may claim in justice is yours by friendship's title. Whatever graces we receive, come to us through your intercession. You had a Heart of love from which in the course of time was to be formed the Sacred Heart of the loving Christ. 2. Furthermore, Jesus made the revelation of His divinity and the strengthening of the faith of His disciples the effect of your intercession. Your body, which was the living tabernacle of the Eternal God and the temple of the Adorable Trinity, was not meant to crumble into dust. Though you were the Mother of the Most High, you wanted to become the nurse of Elizabeth and the infant John. To understand your dignity as Mother of God in all its fullness, we would have to understand fully the dignity of the Son of God whose Mother you are. Mary, Mother of God, you are the hope of sinners, you are my hope! HAPPY FEAST DAY! Let this be my consolation to know that I am doing God's Will. In 1913, Pope Pius X, in view of his reform giving precedence to Sundays over ordinary feasts, moved this feast to September 15, the day after the Feast of the Cross. With a "fiat" God created light, heaven, earth, but with your "fiat" God became Man. Blessed are they whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD. Sept 15: Our Lady of Sorrows - Feast of Holy Cross - Blogger You were the instrument used by your Son. Filled with motherly compassion, you appealed to Jesus in behalf of your friends. You lovingly served her till you saw her happily delivered of the child of promise with which God had blessed her. "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Three swords brought anguish to you while Jesus was yet a young child, four swords pierced your soul in His Holy Passion. On this occasion you bore your share of the penalty allotted to woman: "In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.". You were the first Chalice of the Blood of Jesus for Our Lord dwelt in you during the nine months of expectation as in a kind of ciborium. Help me, above all, so that by my good example I may enrich and ennoble every human being whose life I touch. Eve listened to the voice of the serpent and brought death to the human race, you became a source of salvation to all mankind by receiving with humility the word of God brought to you by the angel Gabriel. They then left a small offering of silver required by the Law of Moses. The whole human race rejoices in you as Queen and Mother. Bishop Robert J. McClory. Therefore, with childlike confidence I appeal to your motherly Heart for help. During His lifetime Jesus cured sickness and disease and even raised the dead to life, because people asked Him to do so in prayer. Jesus reigns over us not only by natural right, but also by the right of redemption. December 9 marks the feast day of Saint Juan Diego and December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. By consenting to give natural life to Jesus, you consented to give us supernatural life. Mary is the mother of mankind - she watches . He paid the debt that original sin might not be incurred. The Feasts of Our Lady Note: Only Universal Feasts have the Month cited with each Feast; Local Feasts, etc., are cited by date within each month, unless the particular Local Feast begins a month. 3. Even when I disappoint you by doing my best to shake off the cross God has placed upon my shoulders, you pray for me. May each pain and disappointment of my life become a perfect act of love of God because I offer all to God through your immaculate hands. Mary, My Mother, you are mother in a higher degree because of the kind of life which you have imparted to me. Though you did not know the meaning of the archangel's inspired words, you serenely submitted to the will of God. . You adored your God incarnate within your chaste womb from the time of the Incarnation to His birth. I can best thank Jesus for His dying bequest by striving daily to become like John in his love and imitation of you. From the first moment of your existence the Holy Spirit made you His temple and blessed you with the fullness of His grace. This event has passed. You are God's purest and holiest creature, the one chosen to conceive and bear the Son of God. How truly can the words of Holy Scripture be applied to you: "In me is all grace of the way and of the truth: in me is all hope of life and of virtue" (Ecclus 24, 25). No one after Christ was humbler than you were, yet no one after Christ gave God greater glory.