As I have observed the judgments of presidents of the Church in matters of Church discipline, I have marveled at the care they have exercised to assure that justice is balanced with mercy, with loving concern for the consequences to innocent family membersborn and unbornas well as to the transgressors themselves. The key is to understand that there are two kinds of judging: final judgments, which we are forbidden to make; and intermediate judgments, which we are directed to make, but upon righteous principles. Living in the mission field, I often hear the name of the Lord taken in vain, and I also have acquaintances who tell me that they are living with their boyfriends. kristen meredith mcmain oaks age - Fourth,believers should not shrink from seeking laws to maintain public conditions or policies that assist them in practicing the requirements of their faith where those conditions or policies are also favorable to the public health, safety, or morals. This is shaping the attitudes of many young Americans who are taking their places as the teachers of our children and the shapers of public attitudes through the media and popular entertainment. What Was Brigham Youngs Swift Pony Express? What Have Scholars Learned about the Book of Mormon? Second Annual Sacramento Court/Clergy Conference. I know that the gospel is true because my Father in heaven has answered my prayers and borne witness to me by the power of the Holy Ghost. fatal car accident knoxville tn today young and the restless recap today Persuaded by this philosophy, many of the rising generationyouth and young adultsare caught up in self-serving pleasures, pagan painting and piercing of body parts, foul language, revealing attire, pornography, dishonesty, and degrading sexual indulgence. Dallin H. Oaks - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints This time he was definitely speaking to the Church. Would it have hurt Mary to have joined us in serving, then we all could have sat down to hear the Lord together? The singing of hymns is one of the best ways to put ourselves in tune with the Spirit. I am convinced that these seemingly contradictory directions are consistent when we view them with the perspective of eternity. Our tolerance and respect for others and their beliefs does not cause us to abandon our commitment to the truths we understand and the covenants we have made. The Savior also commanded individuals to be judges, both of circumstances and of other people. A leavenyeastis hidden away in the larger mass until the whole is leavened, which means raised by its influence. For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil. Even half-conscious, Elder [Spencer W.] Kimball recoiled and implored: Please! Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. We are willing to receive all truth, from whatever source it may come; for truth will stand, truth will endure.2, The existence and nature of truth is one of the fundamental questions of mortal life. He can make the judgments and the punishments. My Savior knows what happened. What can one person do to promote world peace? . We must work harder to build mutual respect, an attitude of forbearance, with tolerance one for another regardless of the doctrines and philosophies which we may espouse.8, Note that President Hinckley spoke of mutual respect as well as tolerance. What are we thinking of to let you do all this work alone? For example, even though religious beliefs are behind many criminal laws, and some family laws, such laws have a long-standing history of appropriateness in democratic societies. June: Carol Lynn Pearson's estranged gay husband returns to live with her and their children after being diagnosed with AIDS, and she cares for him until his death. The Church of Jesus Christ is committed to serving those in need, and it is also committed to cooperating with others in that effort. The Savior taught that one of the missions of the Comforter he would send would be to assist in judgment of the world by guiding the faithful into all truth (John 16:13; see also vv. . . Spiritual food is necessary for spiritual survival. I believe this commandment was given because we presume to make final judgments whenever we proclaim that any particular person is going to hell (or to heaven) for a particular act or as of a particular time. President Spencer W. Kimball taught that the Holy Ghost comes a little at a time as you merit it. In the balance between truth and tolerance, tolerance can be dominant where the behavior does not involve us personally. Profanity, cohabitation, and Sabbath breakingexcellent examples to illustrate how Latter-day Saints might balance their competing duties to truth and tolerance in their own lives in these difficult circumstances. Some of these intermediate judgments are surely among those the Savior referred to when he taught that the weightier matters of the law include judgment (Matthew 23:23). You might say, That is a matter for senior Church authorities to handle. I describe these principles to you young adults because you are current members and future leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ, and you will need to decide these kinds of questions sooner than you think. To this day I am thankful that both of us were spared the embarrassment that might have occurred had I given vent to a judgment made without knowing the facts. . We can acknowledge the sincerity of those whose positions we cannot accept. In applying the sometimes competing demands of truth and tolerance in these three behaviors and many others, we should not be tolerant with ourselves. That is athirdabsolute truth: We do not abandon the truth and our covenants. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. First: Truth. I dont need to entertain thoughts of revenge. by Giuseppe Martinengo | Sep 11, 2019 | All Talks | 0 comments. Enigma Books Also published by Enigma Books Hitler's Table Talk: 1941-1944 In Stalin's Secret Service Hitler and Mussolini: The Secret Meetings The Jews in Fascist Italy: A History The Man Behind the Rosenbergs Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History Diary 1937-1943 (Galeazzo Ciano) Secret Affairs: FDR, Cordell Hull, and Sumner Welles Hitler and His Generals: Military Conferences . (Photo courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the governing First Presidency, speaks at General Conference about the U.S . This is a harder question for those who affirm the existence of God and absolute truth than for those who believe in moral relativism. . . As the Book of Mormon teaches: All things which are good cometh of God. Similar reasoning forbids our presuming to make final judgments on the outcome of any persons lifelong mortal contest. The kingdom of God is like a leaven, Jesus taught (see Matthew 13:33). During his mortal ministry the Savior made and acted upon many intermediate judgments, such as when he told the Samaritan woman of her sinful life (see John 4:1719); when he rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy (see Matthew 15:19, 23:133); and when he commented on the comparative merit of the rich mens offerings and the widows mites (see Mark 12:4144). kristen meredith mcmain oaks age - Some Christians look on this as the time when individuals are assigned to heaven or hell. that which is good and of God to be of the devil. We frequently update our Latter-day Saint history content related to Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, the Book of Mormon, and Come Follow Me 2023. You Are Needed | Spiritual Crusade [Mosiah 4:1718, 22]. That is why we have commandments and ordinances. 17 2 you but you must reach out for that help 15 do President Oaks shared four suggestions for shouldering religious freedom: (1) recognize that all need each other and are subject to law, (2) urge religious tolerance, (3) let the world know the good that religion does and (4) unite and find common ground to defend and promote religious liberty. judge; for judgment is mine, saith the Lord (Mormon 8:20). I testify of the power and blessings of the priesthood of God, available for His sons and daughters alike. Second,when believers seek to promote their positions in the public square, their methods and their advocacy should always be tolerant of the opinions and positions of others who do not share their beliefs. Whether or how we might seek to obtain laws that would compel or influence behavior that we deem desirable because of our belief in God and His commandments is too large a subject for adequate treatment in the concluding few minutes of my talk. We discuss the talks given by President Dallin H. Oaks and Hugo Montoya about service and love and wish you all a wonderful Christmas this year!Music acknowledgementsMusic: In Dulci Jubilo by J.S. . If you're aware of any talks available online that aren't listed here, please let me know. In this troubled circumstance, we who believe in God and the corollary truth of absolute right and wrong have the challenge of living in a godless and increasingly amoral world. We all remember how a prophet reacted from a hospital bed when an operating room attendant stumbled and cursed in his presence. Its approach, as counseled by the Prophet Joseph Smith, is to teach correct principles and then leave its members to govern themselves by personal choices. . Cohabitation we know to be a serious sin in which Latter-day Saints must not engage, whatever the circumstances. We should address prayers to our Heavenly Father in words which speakers of that language associate with love and respect and reverence and closeness. We can speak of principles rather than personalities.17. . . Most people study character as a proofreader pores over a great poem: his ears are dulled to the majesty and music of the lines, his eyes are darkened to the magic imagination of the genius of the author; that proofreader is busy watching for an inverted comma, a misspacing, or a wrong font letter. When we understand our relationship to God, we also understand our relationship to one another. The Law of The Big Mo (#16) The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Coronavirus: la Chiesa di Ges Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni Sta Aiutando Top 40 Best Quotes from The Gift of Imperfection by Bren Brown. And whosoever will not repent of his sins the same shall not be numbered among my people. Most of us are troubled by packed shopping centers and other commercial activities on the Sabbath. (See John 18:3738.). He knows the truth. It is too vast, too arduous, for any one people. As members of the restored Church, we need to be more aware and more appreciative of the service of others.Quote #2: Modern revelation teaches that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. By this, all the children of God are enlightened to serve Him and one another to the best of their knowledge and ability. Alwi Shihab, Building Bridges to Harmony Through Understanding, BYU forum address, 10 October 2006); . We can all remember our feelings when a little child cried out and reached up to us for help. Sorrow that the eye cant see. Howeverand here I express asecond absolute truththis living with differences is what the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us we must do. I am very t`hankful that it is not our province . The Lord did not go into the kitchen and tell Martha to stop cooking and come listen. Your email address will not be published. Trust Him." As our confidence in God goes up, our fear goes down. Wherefore, take heed . I will, therefore, limit myself to describing four paramount principles that should govern such an effort. You whom I address shun evil and seek truth. The Savior gave this same teaching on another occasion, when he said to the Pharisees, And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world (John 12:47). as the daylight is from the dark night. In one of the monthly General Authority fast and testimony meetings, I heard President James E. Faust say, The older I get, the less judgmental I become. That wise observation gives us a standard to live by in the matter of judgments. The Best of Causes, President Dallin H. Oaks and Elder Hugo Whats in the Relief Society General Board Minutes? The woman taken in adultery was granted time to repent, time that would have been denied by those who wanted to stone her. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not attempt to isolate its members from alternate voices. . It really is the answer. For most followers of Christ, our sacrifices involve what we can do on a day-to-day basis in our ordinary personal lives. to judge the world; if it were, we would ruin everything. . It is not a sermon. kristen meredith mcmain oaks age - BachArranged by: Michel Rondeau (trumpet)Performers: Marthe Jobidon (trumpets), Eric Vaillancourt . In other words, are we responsible to look after the well-being of our neighbors as we seek to earn our daily bread? . Page last updated 30 Sep 2021. November 12, 2021 at University of Virginia. But we do know that God will help each of us overcome these challenges if we sincerely seek His help. Dallin H. Oaks opened the Sunday afternoon session of the April 3, 2022 general conference by giving a talk titled "Divine Love in the Father's Plan." This is the topic for the rest of the week. Dallin H. Oaks quotes cover more than 30 years. It will refrain from declaring that a person has been assured of exaltation or from dismissing a person as being irrevocably bound for hellfire. . We call this quality of life spirituality. My dear young brothers and sisters, Kristen and I feel privileged to be with you on this significant occasion. All rights reserved. Tolerance is often demanded but seldom returned. a watchman upon the tower, who will [see] the enemy while he [is] yet afar off and give warning to save the vineyard from the hands of the destroyer (D&C 101:45, 54). We should refrain from anything that seems to be a final judgment of any personmanifesting our determination to leave final judgments to the Lord, who alone has the capacity to judge. Many religious leaders teach the existence of God as the Ultimate Lawgiver, by whose action certain behavior is absolutely right and true and certain other behavior is absolutely wrong and untrue.6Bible and Book of Mormon prophets foresaw this time, when men would be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:4) and, indeed, when men would deny God (see Jude 1:4; 2 Nephi 28:5; Moroni 7:17; D&C 29:22). We should trust in the Lord and be positive about this nations future. 272. You do your thing, and Ill do my thing is the popular description. In the words of President Joseph F. Smith: Professor Parry observed: Quite literally, they were measured by their own standards and found wanting. Because of a short-term memory loss, this elderly sister innocently answered no. Beware of the wordtolerance. S2:E2 "Jesus Christ is the Strengt. Home. . The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Law of E. F. Hutton (#5). My treatment of truth and tolerance will invite you to consider and to teach these twin subjects because they are vital to the rising generation, in which you are the senior members. Apostles have the calling and ordination to be special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world (see D&C 107:23), but the duty to witness and testify of Christ at all times and in all places applies to every member of the Church who has received the testimony of the Holy Ghost. We misinterpret motives, do not know facts, and judge from wrong standards. . Are we our brothers keepers? . The intensity of our desire to share the gospel is a great indicator of the extent of our personal conversion. A talk a day: How to prepare for April 2023 general conference He loves us, and all that He does is for our eternal benefit. Dallin H Oaks - Etsy 218 University Press Building And behold, I am the light and the life of the world (3 Ne. In all of this we should not presume to judge our neighbors or associates on the ultimate effect of their behaviors. Common Misunderstandings about Brigham Young. Ideas to Teach "How Can the Savior Help Me Overcome My Fears?" (March We believe in absolute truth, including the existence of God and the right and wrong established by His commandments. Some say that attending church meetings is not helping them. Perfect love is charity. Second, a righteous judgment will be guided by the Spirit of the Lord, not by anger, revenge, jealousy, or self-interest. In May 2013, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty awarded him the Canterbury Medal for courage in the defense of religious liberty (from the website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), Your email address will not be published. A fourth principle of a righteous intermediate judgment of a person is that we should, if possible, refrain from judging until we have adequate knowledge of the facts. BYU Speeches It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.15. Elder Oaks is a graduate of Brigham Young University (1954) and of The University of Chicago Law School (1957). Recently, the Church of Jesus Christ reported for the first time the extent of its humanitarian work worldwide; 2021 expenditures for those in need in 188 countries totaled $906 million, with members also volunteering over 6 million hours of labor. President Oaks talks cover topics like desire, repentance, and trust in the Lord. 3 Apr 2016 Opposition in All Things General . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Unfortunately, some who believe in moral relativism seem to have difficulty tolerating those who insist that there is a God who should be respected and certain moral absolutes that should be observed. We also know that evil exists and that some things are simply, seriously, and everlastingly wrong. Her 1986 memoir, Goodbye, I Love You, is considered a landmark in discussions of homosexuality and Mormonism. This is a vital matter on which we who believe in a Supreme Being who has established absolute right and wrong in human behavior must unite to insist on our time-honored constitutional rights to exercise our religion, to vote our consciences on public issues, and to participate in elections and debates in the public square and in the halls of justice. See Heidi S. Swinton,To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2010), especially chapters 25 and 28 and pages 46263. April 2022. But where believers are in the majority, they should always be sensitive to the views of the minority. What does tolerance mean to us and to other believers, and what are our special challenges in applying it? Angels will stand with us, and He will send His Holy Spirit to guide us. The Law of Timing (#19) The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Top 40 Quotes from The Coddling of the American Mind, Best 70 Quotes from Beyond Order by Jordan Peterson, The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek: Videos and 10 Great Quotes. The following is a summary of what he said. 3. [The Supreme Charity of the World,The Kingship of Self-Control(Old Tappan, New Jersey: Revell, n.d.), pp. I am listing below all President Dallin H. Oaks talks, not just those that he gave when he was as a General Authority of the Church, but also those given by him before, with the links to the text, video, or audio available. Because of Gods plan and the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be cleansed by the process of repentance. That's amazing. This inspired caution reminds us that for persons who believe in absolute truth, tolerance for behavior is like a two-sided coin. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of love. The gospel is a gospel of hope, and none of us is authorized to deny the power of the Atonement to bring about a cleansing of individual sins, forgiveness, and a reformation of life on appropriate conditions. This is essential whenever we attempt to act upon different standards than those of others with whom we must associateat home, at work, or in the community. You cannot possess or use the coin of tolerance without being conscious of both sides. We give thanks for commandments. . About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. Guided by heaven in this righteous cause, our words will be sweet and find place in the hearts of many. Some say, I didnt learn anything today or No one was friendly to me or I was offended. Personal disappointments should never keep us from the doctrine of Christ, who taught us to serve, not to be served. President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, waves while holding his wife Sister Kristen Oaks' hand inside the Conference Center during the Saturday evening session of the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. Through the prophet Moses the Lord commanded Israel, Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour (Leviticus 19:15). This is an analysis of a general conference talk given by Elder Oaks titled Opposition in All Things, where he warned against taking opposition against the church. October 2021. Believers can be less cautious in seeking government action that would serve principles broader than merely facilitating the practice of their beliefs, such as laws concerning public health, safety, and morals. President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, speaks during the Saturday morning session of the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Oct. 1, 2022. Misery is the ultimate state of disharmony with God and his laws. This Christmas, as with every Christmas, we focus on loving one another just as our Savior loved us. . (Boston: Little, Brown, 18501856), 9:229. Thus, the Lord said to Alma: Whosoever transgresseth against me, him shall ye judge according to the sins which he has committed; and if he confess his sins before thee and me, and repenteth in the sincerity of his heart, him shall ye forgive, and I will forgive him also. From time to time some diligent defenders deny this reality, such as the writer of a letter to the editor who insisted that certain publicly reported conduct should be ignored because in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. The presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law is a vital rule to guide the conduct of a criminal trial, but it is not a valid restraint on personal decisions. . He is a native of Provo, Utah (born . . By this means we will contribute to the civility that is essential topreserve our civilization. . Dallin H. Oaks - Bibliography - List of Talks - INSTITUTEOFRELIGION.ORG In an essay titled Sitting in the Seat of Judgment, the great essayist William George Jordan reminded us that character. See, for example,John Paul II: The Encyclicals in Everyday Language,3rd ed., ed. Jesus Christ has the power to prescribe the conditions we must fulfill to qualify for the blessings of His Atonement. 14. He was president of Brigham Young University from 1971 to 1980, and a justice of the Utah Supreme Court from 1980 until his resignation in 1984 to accept his calling to the apostleship. A Conversation with Dallin H. Oaks, President of Brigham Young University Ensign. Dec 2015 A Savior Is Born Ensign.