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love's executioner two smiles summary

We jogged across the Golden Gate Bridge, brunched at Greens restaurant. He was going to kill it soon anyway, with drugs, with AIDS. Thelma wasnt sure whether the new person was a man or a woman. When Betty told me about going to a western bar where two rednecks sidled up behind her and mocked her by mooing like a cow, I felt outraged for her and told her so. To combat my self-recriminations, I attempted to persuade myself that I had employed a proper therapeutic strategy: Thelma was in extremis when she consulted me and something had to be done. I tried for more. 8. He reminded me that in our last session we had discussed his great anxiety about an upcoming presentation at work. (She had good recall of the scene that had just occurred.) In our first session Penny had said to me, Just get me started. After six years of teaching trigonometry, Marvin felt stuck. A common, and vigorous, attempt to solve existential isolation, which occurs in several of these stories, is fusionthe softening of ones boundaries, the melting into another. Refused to eat dinner as punishment for not contributing enough to the household of his aunt. It didnt fit with the rest of her presentation. Given your situation and your three children, what parent wouldnt feel the wrong one died? Love's executioner and other tales of psychotherapy . Well, I ate the sandwiches. I had never seen her so irrationaland so challenging. Im going to have to explain all this to Phyllis. Marvin was scribbling away furiously now. Are there no absolutes in psychotherapy? My desire to change Maries vision, to teach her to look within, to dream, to fantasize, to extend her horizons? Moreover, Phyllis did not permit Marvin to entertain at home either. I had turned, now, in treatment to a consideration of unconscious motivation. Then he turned to me. It was an excellent consultation. Witnessing Carloss alarming weight loss reminded Betty of how, over a twelve-month period, she had watched her father shrink from an obese man to a skeleton wrapped in great folds of spare skin. From the beginning, of course, I had known that the pure forcefulness of my argument would not penetrate deep enough to effect any change. Somebody once said that there is nothing better than the real thing. He bragged that he was now the most supportive and sensitive member. She looked straight at me and spoke right out. Although she worked sixty hours a week as a taxicab driver, she emphasized that she would come in for an interview at any hour of the day or night. Its O.K. I felt that way for thirty years. We're meant to appreciate his honesty and study his counter-transference, but I'm telling you right now. Pop psychologists forever talk about responsibility assumption, but its all words: it is extraordinarily hard, even terrifying, to own the insight that you and only you construct your own life design. I take with deep seriousness Thomas Hardys staunch words: If a way to the Better there be, it exacts a full look at the Worst.. Never before had she been as totally open with anyone. Though we may falter, grow ill, though we may arrive at the very edge of life, there is, we are convinced, a looming, omnipotent servant who will always bring us back. There is little awareness of the experience of being a woman in a world dominated by men and, I believe, a clear bias in the way that the male clients and the female clients sexuality is explored. For thirty years Saul had admired him from afar and now, in his presence, could barely summon the nerve to look into the great mans eyes. Though I was gradually entering her experiential world and growing accustomed to hyperbolic assessments of Matthew, I was truly staggered by her next comment. Every severely obsessional patient has a core of anger, and I was not unprepared for its emergence in Thelma. He taught me to care for all living things. I was about to offer my formal recommendation that he begin a course of cognitive behaviorial therapy (an approach based on changing concrete aspects of behavior, especially marital communication and sexual attitudes and practice) when, almost as an afterthought, Marvin mentioned that he had had some dreams during the week. The message I believed the dreamer was sending me:I try to look back but my vision fails. I thought of tearing that chart to shreds and enjoying every moment of it. Nietzsche claimed that a philosophers system of thought always arises from his autobiography, and I believe that to be true for all therapistsin fact, for anyone who thinks about thought. Perhaps, but Penny had a better explanation for the sadness in both the blackout and the dreams. I am persuaded that, in these infatuating first meetings, Dan and the woman mistook what they each saw in the other. She also examined her feelings toward me with more honesty than before: her fears of dependency, her gratitude, her anger. Meaning also provides a sense of mastery: feeling helpless and confused in the face of random, unpatterned events, we seek to order them and, in so doing, gain a sense of control over them. Hes violated the basic code of any helping profession. I looked forward to seeing her and being with her. They are all older than me but, its funny, I have a sense of treating them as though they were my own sons!. Penny had said she was no longer feeling a connection with Chrissie in her cemetery visits (now down to two or three a week). She had been herself, in a fully spontaneous way, in only two situations in her adult lifewhen she danced and when she and Matthew had been in love for twenty-seven days. They had already driven off, but she jumped into her large, souped-up pickup and followed them at high speed down the highway trying to ram them off the road. It was catastrophic. I flinched for Dave: that man at the advanced age of sixty-three was still six years younger than he. She claimed that our sessions succeeded only in stirring the pot, in increasing her discomfort, and she regretted having committed herself to six full months of therapy. Since I doubted very much, after this charming incident, whether Id ever be able to persuade another group therapist to accept him, I persevered. She remained proud, somewhat judgmental, and resistive to new ideas. Marie regarded his behavior as odious and gradually became harsher in her refusals. He was obviously depressedwith good reasonand spoke bitterly and wearily of his ten-year ordeal with cancer. Transference - feelings that the patient attaches to the therapist that originated out of earlier relationships. Remember how I emphasized that whatever happens in the group can be used to help us work in therapy? He nodded. If it were true, I asked, that she thought so poorly of you, would she have put so much pressure on you to marry her daughter?, That only happened when her daughter reached thirty. During the rest of the hour, Thelma repeated a lot of old material: she talked about her feelings toward Matthew, how they were not transference, how Matthew had given her the best days of her life. All your life youve worked. Also (as I was able to appreciate only later with a more objective view of myself), it was unfortunate for Saul that he had consulted me at a stage of my professional career when I was impatient and managerial, and insisted that patients promptly and fully confront their feelings about everything, including death (even if it killed them). I told her of my own difficulties in coming to terms with death; that, though the fact of death cannot be altered, ones attitude toward it can be vastly influenced. Oh no, I want a hug! The better I knew her, the less interesting she seemed. My suggestion was more effective than I anticipated. I asked about why he hadnt returned my calls and he said simply, Its not right, we both know it. She paused and wept silently. . There are no rear windows. Once we entered my office, she did not inspect her surroundings but immediately sat down. While the belief in personal specialness provides a sense of safety from within, the other major mechanism of death denialbelief in an ultimate rescuerpermits us to feel forever watched and protected by an outside force. . Drawing a thick scroll from his briefcase, Marvin asked me to hold one end, and carefully unrolled a three-foot chart upon which was meticulously recorded his every migraine headache and every sexual experience of the past four months. Subscribe. If I consorted with Me, it would be catastrophic for Marge: shed become a bit player, a replaceable character. But he pressed it before me so forcefully that I had no option other than to watch his stubby finger trace out the love leavings of last July. I dont want to make Dr. Yalom look bad.. I hadnt expected her to notice! Penny didnt like my questions. Was it possible that Carlos could accomplish something more ambitious in therapy? Vaguely profound statements are the best. Stay focused! Her revenge upon me was to frustrate each of these aims. Ever since I hung up the phone, Ive been kicking myself for chickening out and not having asked Matthew the two really important questions. But we talked past each other. Every time I switch therapists, I call to let him know. Mind thinks in images but, to communicate with another, must transform image into thought and then thought into language. I dont think Ive had a good girlfriend for thirty years. It was an effort for me to locate her face, so layered and swathed in flesh as it was. Maries father, who lived in Mexico, had grown so frail that she contemplated inviting him to come to live with her. My task as a therapist (not unlike that of a parent) is to make myself obsoleteto help a patient become his or her own mother and father. Mike had done a superb job: he had established a good rapport with Marie and had effectively achieved all of his consultation goals. Still, the roots of the obsession seemed extraordinarily friable. I was transfixed by her facial plasticity: she winked, grimaced, and popped her eyes either singly or in duet. I didnt mention our discussion about the letters because I didnt want to compromise you. Could Marvin have possibly dreamed them? Soon it would be clear that I had nothing to conceal. Both had dropped out of school and were heading toward serious trouble. Other doctors have told me that I am in a vicious circle. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dave, who had been recently married (for the fourth time), described his current marriage in the same way he described his previous marriages: he felt he was in prison and his wife was a prison guard who listened to his phone conversations and read his mail and personal papers. Saul did what I asked and shared his illogical scenario, and here I am, dumb enough to get lost in it. I told him to come in to your office at my regular hour next week, but he told me to ask you if we could make it sooner. It was a couple days after the funeral, I was still taking off from school. She looked depressed, and I went up to her to offer my sympathy. love's executioner two smiles summary Call us today! One becomes ones own parent or remains the eternal child. What retirement really means is that Ive made so much money I dont need to make any more. Its the same with me, Betty. I grew acquainted with the characters who peopled Marvins mind, and identified (and shared with him) certain important repetitive life patterns: for example, the way he had re-created part of his parents pattern in his own marriagehis wife, like his fathers wife, wielded control by cutting off sexual favors. And, tucked away into the innermost corners, assorted coins, paper clips, nail clippers, pieces of emery board, and some substance that looked suspiciously like lint. Other patients cannot decide. Without question she had neglected the boys for the past eight years. Though we try hard to go through life two by two or in groups, there are times, especially when death approaches, that the truththat we are born alone and must die alonebreaks through with chilling clarity. How dare he disclose so many of my private matters? I think I understand your pain, and I have a lot of empathy for itIve experienced that kind of pain in the past myself. The FREEDOM to make our lives as we will. She retreated to bed for entire weekends; she had long crying jags; suicide suddenly seemed appealing again. I was certain that she understood me perfectly. Often I feel I dont have much else to offer. Well, I thought, that was something! Me was a Lorelei, beautiful and intriguing, but also lethalthe incarnation of all Marges rage and self-hatred. Listen to what shes telling you.. I had often thought about his love letters and had wondered if I would ever get a chance again to explore their meaning with Dave. I had thought that he would have terminated therapy long before. No one could have guessed that she felt her life was over; that she was desperately lonely; that she wept every night; that in the seven years since her husband died, she had not once had a relationship, even a personal conversation, with a man. Maybe when I tried to commit suicide, I really wanted to kill Matthew? Yet, despite their promises, the whole financial burden of the plot was falling on her shoulders. Marvin took out his notepad and wrote down a few lines. Im not going to close off this option., Im talking about the next six months only. In this book, Yalom discusses ten clients, their therapy journey and his own development as an existential psychotherapist. Therapists excuses are invariably patent and self-serving rationalizationsfor example, that the therapist is accepting and affirming the patients sexuality. He shouted aloud, I will never see you again! Still, nothing. When the final research report was issued, I turned quickly to their review of the case of Thelma Hilton. He had told her that he didnt want to spend too much time in the waiting room because he wanted to minimize the possibility of running into colleagues who might be passing by. And yet another dream:I am taking an examination. Consequently, Chrissie was forced to be alone with her thoughts. Noting that we still had fifteen minutes left, I decided to do some work on another front. Its been quite a week.. True or False? She said she has a message for me. She dont remember, I dont remember. I hadnt been out very long when I heard about Thelmas suicide attempt. Id appear before the members of the institutetheyd be wigged and robed. Twenty-six times four is one hundred and four a minute. I had to be sure I really knew. I suggested that we meet six times and then evaluate whether treatment seemed worthwhile. His suspicions and fears of the group members would be confirmed, and he would drop out of the group, more isolated and discouraged than when he began. She had often claimed, As long as a person has eyes, ears, and a mouth, I can cultivate their friendship. But no longer. Im keeping it secret. I do a lot of thinking about aging and death, but my thoughts are too morbid to talk about. Within seconds after seeing him, before he said a word, I was aware that he had profoundly changed: the old Saul was suddenly back with me. I stammered, You know, psychiatrists dont ordinarily touch their, Let me interrupt you before you tell any more fibs and your nose gets longer and longer like Pinocchio. Betty seemed amused at my squirming. Betty mentioned that she hadnt liked Dr. Farber because he often fell asleep during their hour. Betty was a good student, attended the state university, went to work for a department store in Texas, and after two years was transferred to the central office in New York. loves executioner study guide psych 220 - Loves Executioner Sauls assertiveness today was impressive. Everyone had a nickname. Really interesting that you included a feminist review! We could never test the treposa situation because such meditation retreats usually follow the rule of noble silence: no speech whatsoever is permitted. No. My week has been a horror, sheer hell! So I added, It will be important this week to be an observer and recorder of your own inner state. If a system is infinitely expanding, one cannot not be encircled by it. Marvin put aside his notepad and from memory recited:The two men are tall, pale, and very gaunt. The person I treated was Blush, a constricted, prudish young thing; while Brazen, whom I rarely encountered, referred to herself as a sexual supermarket and dated the king of California pornography. I had left my door ajar, and we could hear that Matthew had arrived and was speaking to my secretary. There was so much to talk about, so much that Matthew wanted to know about Thelmas past year, that their coffee hour extended into the dinner hour, and they walked over to Scomas on Fishermans Wharf for crab cioppino. But we (some more than others) also have an irrational sense of specialness. Often therapy doesnt work that way. Ill talk all right! I have no talents, no special abilities. Would it have been better not to have spoken of the letters and to have let the dream go? Then Id wonder whether one hundred and four was good or bad? He went on to explain that Carlos had a rare, slow-growing lymphoma which caused problems more because of its sheer bulk than its malignancy. Actually, I understated the case to you. Together we inspected and discussed each item. I had to stop bantering, I could no longer connect to him in that way. Each read every line of his or her story (except for one patient who died before I finished) and gave me approval for publication. Ill take care of me. She continued in a derisive, gloating manner: You could have her in therapy for thirty years, but Id still win. What the hell am I doing in a group with people like her anyway? And I can ask hard questions. I tried very, very delicately to express that idea, in order not to provoke Daves exquisite sensitivity. A few hours later, the police found her empty purse dangling on a roadside bush. For one thing, Marge stuttered on every word. Though she had an active sexual fantasy life, she had never had any physical contact with a mannot a hug, not a kiss, not even a lascivious grab. Should I reveal my weakness and my limitations to a patient whose other, alternative personality I found so seductive? But it is not enough.. So we changed our focus. Should I, for example, expect a patient, who asked me to be the keeper of his love letters, to deal with the very problems that I, in my own life, have avoided? It is through willing, the mainspring of action, that our freedom is enacted. What do you think, will you have opened the letters before you send back the fifty thousand dollars?. Perhaps the single most important therapeutic credo that I have is that the unexamined life is not worth living. Getting Matthew into this office might be the key to a true examination and understanding of whats been happening to you these past eight years.. I saw a shrink, and it was he who advised complete silence. I knew that, in his eyes and in the eyes of the entire Stockholm Institute community, I would be a fraud, a thief, worse than a thief. Hence I assumed my efficient, task-oriented voice and wondered what plans he had made, what steps taken? Both refused, offering the ingenious dodge that they didnt want to be age- typed. Never in his life had Saul failed to complete a project, and his first reaction was to suggest he continue on it alone. But I never breathe a word of this to Harry. ), Perhaps we might have forestalled his departure, but I doubt it. Every person who knew about the situation had advised her to get rid of Elmer. The lawsuit dragged on for three years, and she settled for a disappointingly small sum. I felt disloyal to Marge for finding her rival so attractive, for being so bemused by her mimicry of Marge. I no longer noticed her body and, instead, looked into her eyes. Does Yalom emphasize the cultural background of Carlos? Think about your volunteer work with the homeless. Id try to feel my pulse but could never find the damned thing when I wanted it. I was hopeful now of plunging into real work. Maybe someone will think of me in some freak moment just as I think of the extinct single-edged razor blade. Or why not compare yourself with, say, one of the homeless people youve helped? I want to help you, but Id be making up stuff. Now and then, when the receptor site was well prepared, we withdrew some part of Me for transplantation. She is significantly less depressed. Yet, even at the point of death, the willingness of another to be fully present may penetrate the isolation. Her pyrrhic victory safely in her grasp, she could afford a little generosity and, as she was leaving my office, she thanked me for my efforts and said that if she ever went back into therapy, I would be her first choice as a therapist. I was pondering whether onions really do have a lot of sugar when I arrived at Sauls home. She had a way of putting her finger on vital issues. Would I discover the brutal facts of human experience that the enchantment concealed? There was no doubt my comment struck home. I phoned her and had a brief but remarkable conversation. " " . She would, for example, introduce what she was about to say with a lengthy, boring preamble. But he didnt bat an eye and, in fact, began to speak in a far more honest fashion. For those who look inward, retirement is a time of life review, of summing up, a time of proliferating awareness of finitude and approaching death. Arent you? I only know that I pulled out all stops and placed the utmost pressure on her to reconsider. It didnt take much experience to recognize the signs of deep distress. But so much irritation? But it hurts to think about it. I informed her that it was important for her to know, before she agreed to proceed, that these were to be research, not therapeutic, interviews. I commented that, in this office, the opposite was true: the more she tried to entertain me, the more distant and less interested I felt. I was excited for him. She hated even more those who offered false hope. A creep. Keeping the letters would forge a bond of trust between us. Never before had a therapist been so scrupulously honest, direct, and gentle with her. I submitted one version after another; each one was returned to me considerably shortened until, after several months, she had reduced my fifty-page prologue to about ten pages. A lover of words (he spoke several languages), he marveled at the transposition of soul and sole. One of the reasons she wanted to merge in love, and be obliterated by it, was to escape the terror of facing obliteration by death. There she was complaining melodramatically and mockingly of a dreadful stabbing pain in her womb and breast. Love's Executioner Irvin D. Yalom Love's Executioner Thelma "Eight years ago, I had a love affair with my therapist. She had more to tell me. This must have been an unusual event: Marvin had told me he initiated sex almost all of the time. Whats the rush? Touch! I felt more like a philosophy or religious teacher than a therapist, but I knew that this was the proper trail. He had loved Sorayaor, at least, she was the only lover (and they had been legion) to whom he had ever said, I love you. He and Soraya had a deliciously clandestine affair for four years. Perhaps I was intrigued by her beauty, by her ebony hair in bangs framing her astonishingly white, perfectly featured face. My own words heartened me: the problem seemed suddenly clearer, more familiar, far more manageable. Perhaps if I had given Mike more information about Marie, his panel would have resembled mine more closely. I thought he sighed when he said this, and asked, That must have been a big wound for you. I was particularly struck by two powerful themes in Pennys account of her life. But I could have referred him to someone else. Then and there I made some resolutions.. Carlos had learned that lessonit was what he meant on his deathbed when he talked about his life having been saved. Was it his superficiality, his needling, his wagging his finger at me, his you fellows tone? Betty flushed. I have never before or since been so happy. Although Elva responded to the purse snatching in ways that seemed irrational (for example, proclaiming that she wasnt fit to live on earth, being afraid to leave her house), it was clear that she was really suffering from the stripping away of irrationality. Any thoughts about this happening on a dance floor?, I said earlier that it was only those twenty-seven days that I ever felt euphoric. Take your choice, each was told. When I urged her to compare his life with her own, she realized that some of her grief was misplaced: it was her own life, not her fathers, that was tragically unfulfilled. I have often made symbolically equivalent substitutes for aspects of a patients identity and life circumstances; occasionally I have grafted part of another patients identity onto the protagonist. Her world view was fractured. They are informative, they are calming, and they penetrate the anxiety of isolation: the patient feels that, once you have the details, you have entered into his life. It had finally come! Although Marvin had had no nightmares or powerful dreams, he knew there were nocturnal rumblings. Harrys voice was pleading rather than threatening. Next, I was trying to get into the window of a room where her body might be. Her sagging head and shoulders said depression; her gigantic eye pupils and restless hands and feet said anxiety. Everything else about hermultiple suicide attempts, eating disorder, early sexual abuse by her father, episodic psychotic thinking, twenty-three years of therapyshouted borderline, the word that strikes terror in the heart of the middle-aged comfort-seeking psychiatrist. Those letters must weigh ten pounds. I wondered, If disguise were unnecessary, if the dreamer could speak to me without guile, what might he say? The ground under my house was liquefying. Our next two hours were to consist of numerous variations on this harsh themea procedure referred to in the trade as working through. Penny expressed deep rage at her sonsrage not only because of the way they lived but rage that they lived. Its the right thing to say. The migraines, his reason for seeking therapy, had never returned. Not my talk. Yaloms tone manages to be both enjoyable on a literary level and enlightening on a professional level. Do you think I should have gotten lithium?. Saul chose not to give me any background but continued with his description of recent events, continuing his story where he had left off. But the patient has a right to expect fidelity during the hour. Betty, Im going to be persistent today. And I had accepted everything and asked for even more. Therapeutic Monogamy 10. That memory, reinforced by forty-one years of experience, had spun a cocoon around Elva that shielded her from realitythat is, until her purse was snatched. Her pretentious bridge partner was Dame May Whitey (and Dame May Whitey was spry-minded compared with the rest, with all the Alzheimer zombies and burned-out drunks who, according to Elva, constituted the bridge-playing population of San Francisco). Maybe so, Ill admit that. A nightmare is a failed dream, a dream that, by not handling anxiety, has failed in its role as the guardian of sleep. There was something patently and privately irrational about the letters ability to ward off aging and deatha dark magic that evaporates when examined under the cold light of rationality. It was best to keep the lid of this underworld sealed. As for Marvin? For example, in an all-day meeting of the university laboratory where she worked, she had been pointedly ignored by the professional and academic staff. Yet, as a result of my long relationship with Marie, I interpreted those smiles very differently. Its his house mainly, you could sayhis money bought it.

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love's executioner two smiles summary

